Greetings from the CEO

Visualizing the age of PET-bottle recycling, Utsumi was founded as a PET recycling business in 1993. In accordance with the initiation of the Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging of 1995, we established an integrated production factory that engaged in an in-house process that begins with the collection of post consumer bottles and ends with the production of finished products. Our organization was one of the first manufacturers that specialized in PET-bottle recycling within the industry.

We have been doing business with the basic concepts of developing applications and ensuring the safety of our recycling processes. Based on the belief that recycling is viable only after the products reproduced from the collected materials have been used, we have been producing and supplying PET products that customers can use in good conscience, based on our manufacturing process management, which ensures the safety of the products and traceability, from the sourcing of raw materials to the marketing of the final products. We believe that working to achieve a sustainable society that can continue for future generations is part of corporate social responsibility. As such, we will strive to contribute to society by enhancing our recycling business and providing recycled products to customers.

Utsumi CEO:
Masaki Utsumi


  • 1971

    Graduated from the Department of Science, Synthetic Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University

  • 1971

    Joined Marubeni Corporation

  • 1983

    Appointed in Toronto, Canada

  • 1988

    Returned to Marubeni Corporation’s Osaka Chemicals Division

  • 1991

    Drafted the establishment of Poly Tech Corporation and was subsequently assigned in the organization in the role of marketing & procurement

  • 1993

    Resigned from Marubeni Corporation

  • 1993

    Founded Utsumi Kikaku Corporation (now Utsumi Recycle Systems Inc.) where he took office and remains as CEO at present


Application controls everything for recycling
Our integrated manufacturing method is a system that can provide applications that are suitable for the post consumer bottles.
Ensuring the source history is one of the important factors of quality control in the recycling business, and our integrated manufacturing method represents an optimum production system for securing traceability.


As a PET recycling company, Utsumi develops various technologies and to contribute to the growth of the plastic-bottle recycling business by actively pushing forward the development of such applications. The organization attempts to understand customer needs in relation to recycling products and, together with customers, create a business that contributes to ECOLOGY (protecting the environment) by producing products and creating environments that are quick to respond to such needs.

  1. Produce rPET products that are safety and hygiene assured, using post consumer bottles that are applied to foodstuffs, collected according to the Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging.
  2. Create a work environment where tidiness and cleanliness are well-managed.
  3. Develop a product that is suitable for recycling, suggest the plan to customers and materialize it.
  4. Place importance on considering the environment and attempt to manage the use of controlled substances as it concerns environmental protection.
  5. Aim to equalize and improve the quality of recycled products and focus all the resources of the company on the improvement of technology and the training of personnel.
  6. Continuously improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.

March 2, 2009
Masaaki Utsumi, CEO


Trade name Utsumi Recycle Systems Inc.
Representative Masaaki Utsumi, CEO
Business content Overall PET resin recycling (integrated manufacturing up to the final product)

Primary services

  1. The production and sale of rPET flakes
  2. The production and sale of rPET pellets (food grade and filament grade)
  3. The production and sale of rPET sheets (food grade)
  4. The production and sale of rPET trays (food grade)
Established July 30, 1993
Capital ¥341,500,000
Number of employees 158 (as of the end of May 2023)
Qualifications acquired
  • CITECH pellet (AFDA) [Registered February 2016]
  • CITECH sheet PET tray [Registered April 2018]
  • CITECH flakes (AFDA) [Registered October 2018]
  • NOL #159 (FDA) [Acquired May 2012]
Terepthalic Acid and Ethylene Glycol(REACH/ECHA)[Registered July 2021]
Opinion for recycled PET Products
Green Partner Certification of Sony corporation
Approved as a specified exporter


Business bases

  • Head office

    Sakaisujihommachi TF Bld 8F, 2-4-27, Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city, Osaka, 541-0056 Japan

    TEL: (06) 6261-5511
    FAX: (06) 6261-5522

    Sakaisuji-Hommachi, Sakaisuji/Central Line, Osaka Municipal Subway: Exit 11, a 1-minute walk

  • Tokyo Office

    Oak Bld 207, 6-9-7, Takenotsuka, Adachi-ku, Tokyo, 121-0812 Japan

    TEL: (03) 5851-9061
    FAX: (03) 5851-9062

    Takenotsuka, Tobu Skytree line, East exit, a 3-minute walk

  • Kyushu Office

    Sunshine 30, Bld 303, 5-2-1, Shirakibaru, Onojo-city, Fukuoka, 816-0943 Japan

    TEL: (092) 586-7447
    FAX: (092) 586-7448

    Shirakibaru, Nishitetsu Tenjin Omuta Line: 400 m to the northeast from Exit 1

Production and distribution bases

  • Sennan Factory

    8-2-5, Tarui, Sennan, Osaka, 590-0521 Japan

    TEL: (072) 485-0059
    FAX: (072) 480-2389

    Tarui, Nankai Main Line: 1,000 m to the northeast

  • Rinku Factory

    4-11, Rinkuuminamihama, Sennan, Osaka, 590-0535 Japan

    TEL: (072) 484-1682
    FAX: (072) 484-1683

    Okadaura, Nankai Main Line: 500 m to the west

  • Rinku Office

    4-3, Rinkuuminamihama, Sennan, Osaka, 590-0535 Japan

    TEL: (072) 484-1682
    FAX: (072) 484-1683

    Okadaura, Nankai Main Line: 500 m to the west

Group companies

  • UR Chubu Inc.

    503-6, Shimozue, Komaki-city, Aichi, 485-0825 Japan

    TEL: (0568) 42-2911
    FAX: (0568) 42-2912

    Komaki, Meitetsu Komaki Line: 2 km to the east

  • APET West Corporation

    4-11, Rinkuuminamihama, Sennan, Osaka, 590-0535 Japan (in our Rinku Factory)

    TEL: (072) 434-8078
    FAX: (072) 434-8017

    Okadaura, Nankai Main Line) Station: 500 m to the west

  • URS Harima Inc.

    2-13-58, Araichoshinhama, Takasago, Hyogo, 676-0008 Japan
    TEL (079)497-5910
    FAX (079)497-5911

    Arai, Sanyo Dentetsu Main Line: 1.6 km to the southwest

  • URS Shiga Inc.

    1680-1, kannondaira, Toriihira, Hino-cho, Gamo Gun,Shiga,529-1618 Japan

    Hino, Omi Railroad Main Line:6km to the northeast

  • URS Aqua Inc.

    Sakaisujihommachi TF Bld 8F, 2-4-27, Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city, Osaka, 541-0056 Japan

    Sakaisuji-Hommachi, Sakaisuji/Central Line, Osaka Municipal Subway: Exit 11, a 1-minute walk

International partners



  1. 1993.07

    Established Utsumi Kikaku Corporation (original company name)

  2. 1996.10

    Newly constructed Sennan Factory in Sennan, Osaka

  3. 1999.04

    Joined the Japan PET Tray Association

  4. 2000.05

    Financed S & U Corporation (Korea)

  5. 2000.11

    Newly constructed Komaki Factory in Komaki-city, Aichi

  6. 2000.12

    Acquired the land and building for creating distribution warehouses with business expansion (Sennan, Osaka)

  7. 2001.02

    Moved the organization’s head office for expanding business (Uchihonmachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city)

  8. 2001.05

    Increased the organization’s overall capital to ¥341,500,000

  9. 2001.11

    Won the Osaka Frontier prize, a management innovation encouragement special prize, awarded by the Governor of Osaka

  10. 2002.10

    Changed the company name to Utsumi Recycle Systems Inc.

  11. 2004.04

    Newly constructed Rinku Factory in Sennan, Osaka

  12. 2005.07

    Opened Tokyo Office

  13. 2009.06

    Acquired Green Partner certification

  14. 2009.09

    Opened Kyushu Office

  15. 2010.01

    Opened Komaki Office

  16. 2011.12

    Reorganized Komaki Factory as a subsidiary (UR Chubu Inc.)

  17. 2012.03

    Acquired Global Recycle Standard (GRS) certification

  18. 2012.05

    Acquired NOL # 159 from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

  19. 2012.07

    Acquired “Specified Research and Development Plan” certification of “the small- and medium-size manufacturing advancement method” from the Kinki Department of Economy and Industry

  20. 2012.09

    Acquired ISO9001:2008 certification (Excluding group companies)

  21. 2013.03

    Moved the organization’s head office for expanding business (Kyutaromachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-city)

  22. 2013.04

    Financed PT.ecofiber (Indonesia)

  23. 2013.07

    Received a grant in the form of a “subsidy for operating the cost of a program to promote investment in cutting-edge facilities for taking measures against strong yen and energy constraints for FY 2012”

  24. 2014.05

    Borrowed a ¥250 million capital-related loan from Japan Finance Corporation as a capital spending fund

  25. 2016.01

    Established APET West Co., Ltd. jointly with Chuo Kagaku Co., Ltd. in the Rinku Factory.

  26. 2016.02

    Registered a voluntary standard with the Japan PET Tray Association for CITECH pellets (AFDA)


  1. 2017.08

    Shifted to ISO9001:2015 (Excluding group companies)

  2. 2018.02

    Installed a no. 8 pellet machine (subsidy program for the operating costs of carbon dioxide emissions suppression measures for FY 2017)

  3. 2018.04

    Registered a voluntary standard with the Japan PET Tray Association for CITECH sheets

  4. 2018.11

    Registered a voluntary standard with the Japan PET Tray Association for CITECH flakes (AFDA)

  5. 2019.02

    Added a second manufacturing line in the UR Chubu Inc. subsidiary

  6. 2019.02

    Installed an optical classifier in the UR Chubu Corporation subsidiary (subsidy program for the operating costs of carbon dioxide emissions suppression measures for FY 2018)

  7. 2019.06

    Acquired the proprietary rights for the Rinku Factory site

  8. 2019.09

    Received a subsidy for the operating costs of carbon dioxide emissions suppression measures for FY 2018 (no. 2 revision)

  9. 2019.09

    Established a business alliance with CHORI Co., Ltd. (Osaka-city) related to the production of pellets

  10. 2020.02

    Installed optical sorters and other equipment at the Rinku Factory and its subsidiary UR Chubu Inc. ((No. 2 amendment) subsidy program for the operating costs of carbon dioxide emissions suppression measures for FY2018)

  11. 2020.02

    Installed wind power sorters and other equipment at subsidiary UR Chubu Inc. (subsidy program for the operating costs of carbon dioxide emissions suppression measures for FY2019)

  12. 2020.06

    Formed a business alliance with Mitsubishi Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation Plastics Ltd. regarding PET flake manufacturing.

  13. 2020.07

    Established Toyotsu Pet Recycle Systems Corp. in Gamo-gun, Shiga in collaboration with Toyota Tsusho Corp., Chuo Warehouse Co.,Ltd., etc.

  14. 2020.11

    Installed alkaline cleaning tank equipment and other equipment at Rinku Factory (subsidy program for the operating costs of carbon dioxide emissions suppression measures for FY2019)

  15. 2021.07

    EU REACH registration of ethylene glycol and terephthalic acid in ECHA

  16. 2021.10

    Completed construction of PET flake manufacturing plant for subsidiary URS Harima Inc., in Takasago-city, Hyogo

  17. 2021.10

    Obtained EFSA Opinion for recycled PET products

  18. 2022.04

    Completed construction of Rinku office and warehouse in Sennan-City, Osaka

  19. 2022.06

    Completed construction of PET flake manufacturing plant for subsidiary URS Shiga Inc., in Gamo-gun, Shiga


Sales amounts (latest five periods) 26th period
(May 2019)
27th period
(May 2020)
28th period
(May 2021)
29th period
(May 2022)
30th period
(May 2023)
(¥1 million) 6,648 7,427 5,947 7,887 8,637